The botanical name of yam is Dioscorea esculenta L. Dioscorea alata L.;
It belongs to the family Dioscoreaceae
Peruvalli (D.alata) : CO 1, Sree Roopa, Sree Keerthi, Sree Shilpa Siruvalli (D.esculenta) : Sree Latha, Sree Kala
Soil: Sandy loam soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is preferred with good drainage and cool weather.
Season and planting: May – June.
Use mature tubers or pieces of tubers taken from the previous crop as seed material at the rate of 1875 – 2500 kg/ha. Mini setts of 25 g is recommended for planting directly in the field or raising a nursery and planting plants after 60 days. Planting is done in beds or in ridges or in
mounds or in rows 75 cm apart either way.
Preparation of field: Plough the field to a fine tilth and form ridges and furrows at 75 cm spacing.
Irrigation: Copious watering once in a week is necessary.
Application of fertilizers: Apply FYM @ 25 t/ha at the time of last ploughing. Follow fertilizer schedule of 40:60:120 kg NPK/ha as basal. 4 kg/ha of Azospirillum (mixed with 40 kg of soil) 30 days after planting. Apply 50 kg N and 120 kg K/ha 90 days after planting.
After cultivation: The vines should be trained on bamboo poles. Weeding as and when necessary.
Yield: 20 – 25 t/ha in 240 days.