The botanical name of Golden Rod is Salidago spp; it belongs to the family Asteraceae
Varieties - Local.
Soil and climate: Sandy loam and Red loam soils with proper drainage grown under varied climatic condition, cooler climate gives high quality cut flower.
Season: Throughout the year.
Propagation and Planting: Suckers. Soil ploughed to fine tilth, flat beds are formed, slips are planted at 45 x 45 cm spacing.
Irrigation: Normally once in three days to keep the soil always wet to induce profuse stalk production.
Manuring: N P K at the rate of 140 : 175 : 150 kg/ha. + 5 t FYM/ha as basal and half the dose is applied after every harvest.
After cultivation: Hand weeding as and when required.
Plant protection: No serious pests and diseases occur during crop growth.
Season of flowering and Harvesting
First harvest is made after 75th day of planting and continued daily for 30 days. This practice is repeated continuously for 2 years.
Yield: 3 lakhs stems/crop/ha.