

  • Periwinkle plant production techniques and processesProcesses
  •  The botanical name of Periwinkle is Catharanthus roseus; it belongs to the family  Apocynaceae. It's a medicinal  plant 

    Periwinkle plant is called  'Apabida pupa' in yoruba

    It's called 'Isam' in Igbo

    Varieties: White flowered, Purple flowered and Nirmal(white flowered variety: from CIMAP)

    Soil and climate: It is suited to all types of soil and tropical climatic conditions. Well distributed annual rainfall of 100 cm or more is ideal for raising as a rainfed crop.

    Seeds and planting: Propagated through seeds either by direct sowing or through transplanting.

    Seed rate: 2.5 kg/ha : Direct sowing 0.5 kg/ha : Through seedlings 45 - 60 days old seedlings are transplanted at a spacing of 45 x 20 cm during June - July or September - October.


    Basal: Apply FYM at 10 t/ha and N P and K at 50 kg/ha.

    Top dressing: Apply 50 kg N 60 days after planting.

    Aftercultivation: The crop requires 2 weedings, the first 90 days after sowing/transplanting and second 60 days after the first weeding.

    Harvest: The crop becomes ready for harvest of roots after one year. Two leaf strippings can be taken, the first one after 6 months and the second after 9 months of sowing. Aerial parts are cut and the soil is ploughed for harvest of roots. Fruits are collected without damage.


     Irrigated Rainfed

    Roots 1500 kg/ha 750 kg/ha

    Stems 1500 kg/ha 1000 kg/ha

    Leaves 3000 kg/ha 2000 kg/ha

    Seed Production Technology

    The physiological maturity of periwinkle seeds is attained at 40 days of anthesis with maximum dry weight, germination and vigour with a change of pod colour from green to yellow with translucence.Seeds can be processed by using 4/64" round perforated metal sieves with maximum seed recovery