

  • pitchi flower/Jathi Malli planting processes and production techniques
  • The botanical name of Jathi malli (Pitchi) is Jasminum grandiflorum L.; it's a commercial flower of the family  Oleaceae

    Varieties: CO 1 and CO 2.

    Soil and climate: Well drained red loamy soils and tropical climate are best suited.

    Season of planting: June - November.

    Propagation and planting: Layers or rooted cuttings are planted at 2.0 x 1.5 m spacing (3350plants/ha) in 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm pits.
    Irrigation: Once in 10 days.

    Manuring: FYM or compost 10 kg, NPK at 60, 120 and 120 g per plant applied in 2 split doses in December after pruning and again in June - July.
    Pruning: Pruning is done during the last week of December to 45 cm height from ground level.

    Plant protection against Pests
    Bud worm: Spray Monocrotophos 2 ml/lit.
    Holotricha beetle: Install light trap to attract the adults immediately after summer rain.
    Incorporate lindane 1.3 D into the soil 25 g/bush.
    Red spider mite: Spray 50 % wettable sulphur 2 g/lit.
    White ants: Dust lindane 1.3 D to the pits before planting at 5 g/pit.
    Protection against Diseases
    Leaf spot: Spraying of Mancozeb at 2 g/lit. from the onset of monsoon at monthly intervals.

    Season of flowering and harvest: May to October. Fully developed unopened flower buds are picked in the morning for fresh flower trade. For oil extraction open flowers are to be picked before 10 a.m.

    Yield: 11 t/ha of flower buds.
    Jasmine concrete - 29 kg/ha.