

  • Crossandra planting procedures and production techniques
  • The botanical name of Crossandra: is Crossandra infundibuliformis L.; it belongs to the family Acanthaceae, it's a commercial flower 
    Varieties: Orange, Red and Delhi Crossandra.

    Soil: Well drained sandy loam soil.
    Seeds and sowing: Fresh seeds are sown during July - October in raised beds 15 cm apart in lines. Watering should be done daily. The seedlings will be ready for transplanting in 60 days.

    Seed rate: 5 kg/ha for plant population.
    For Delhi Crossandra, rooted cuttings have to be used for planting.

    Preparation of field: Land is ploughed thrice and FYM at 25 t/ha is incorporated. Ridges are formed 60 cm apart. Dip the roots of seedlings in Carbendazim (1 g/lit of water) and plant on one side of the ridge at 30 cm spacing. For seed production the spacing may be 60 x 60 cm. For Delhi Crossandra a spacing of 60 x 40 cm is to be followed.

    Aftercultivation: Spray Diuron (pre-emergence) 2.5 kg a.i/ha for weed control.

    Manuring: Apply FYM 25 t/ha as basal and NPK at 75, 50 and 125 kg/ha as top dressing three months after planting. Repeat NPK application at the same dose at half yearly intervals for two more years. Instead, apply N at 60 kg/ha + Azospirillum 2 kg/ha and three months after planting.
    Spray ascorbic acid 1000 ppm for high yield (1 g/lit of water).
    For Delhi Crossandra
    Basal: Apply FYM 25 t/ha, Gypsum 100 kg/ha and P & K at 50 and 100 kg/ha.
    Top Dressing: 30 days after planting, apply Neem cake 250 kg and N 40 kg/ha. Apply 90 days after planting N P K 40:20:60 Kg and repeat this dose at quarterly intervals for a time period of two years.

    Irrigation: Once in a week.

    Plant protection from Pests
    Nematode: Avoid planting Crossandra in nematode infested fields. To control nematodes application of phorate or carbofuran 3 G at 1 kg a.i./ha a week after planting and to be repeated six months after application with any one of the above chemicals at 3 and 9 gm respectively per
    metre length.
    Aphids: Spray dimethoate 30 EC 2 ml/lit.

    protection against Diseases
    Wilt: Drench the soil around the plants with Methoxyethyl mercury chloride (Emisan) at 2 g/lit or Carbendazim 0.5 ml/lit.
    Crop duration: 3 years including ratoon crop in the third year.

    Harvest: Flowering will start a month after transplanting. Fully opened flowers are picked once in two days.

    Yield: 2000 kg of flowers per ha/year.
    Delhi Crossandra 2800 kg of flowers per ha per year.