

  • Pear planting procedures and production techniques
  • The botanical name of Pear is Pyrus communis L. ; it belongs to the family Rosaceae

    Varieties: Common pear, Kieffer, New Pear, William and Jargonelle.

    Soil and climate: Red laterite soil with good drainage and high organic matter content. Can be grown at an elevation of above 1200 m. pH 5.8 to 6.2.

    Planting material: Plant one year old grafts/rooted cuttings.

    Planting season: June to December.
    Spacing: 5 x 5 m or 6 x 6 m in pits of 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm size.

    Application of fertilizers: Apply FYM 25 kg, N 500 g and 1 kg in each of P and K per
    bearing tree/year.

    Training and pruning: Remove stock sprouts regularly. Train the plants to open centre system and prune every year in November - December. Top working on country pear with choice varieties can be done during December - January with cleft grafting.

    Plant protection: No serious pest and disease are noticed. Prophylactic spraying with a copper fungicides and methyl demeton after pruning can be given.

    Harvest: Early varieties will come to harvest in May – June and late varieties in July – October.

    Yield: 100 to 120 kg per tree per year in common pear.
    70 to 80 kg per tree per year in Kieffer and New Pear.
    30 to 40 kg per tree per year in William and Jargonelle.

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