

  • Guava planting procedures and production techniques
  • The botanical name of Guava is Psidium guajava L. ; it belongs to the family Myrtaceae

    Varieties: Allahabad, Lucknow 49, Arka Amulya, Arka Mridula, and Banaras.

    Soil and climate: Guava grows well both in wet and dry regions but it does better under irrigation in the dry tracts. It can be grown upto 1000 m altitude. Well drained soils are the best. Tolerates salinity and alkalinity. In saline soils add 3 Kg Gypsum/plant during planting and once in three years after planting.

    Planting material: Layers.

    Season of planting: June - December.

    Spacing: 5 - 6m either way.

    Planting: Plant the layers with the ball of earth in the centre of pit of 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm size filled with FYM 10 Kg, neem cake 1 Kg and top soil + 50 g Lindane 1.3%.

    Irrigation: Irrigate copiously immediately after planting, again on third day and afterwards once in 10 days or as and when necessary.

    Manures and fertilizers: FYM 50 Kg and one Kg in each of N, P and K per tree in two split doses during March and October. To increase the yield spray Urea 1 % + Zinc sulphate 0.5% twice a year during March and October. To correct the boron deficiency (reduction in size of leaves and fruit cracking and hardening) spray 0.3% borax during flowering and fruit set stage.

    Micronutrients spray for controlling bronzing of leaves: Spraying of a combination spray containing ZnSO4, MgSO4 and MnSo4 @ 0.5% and CuSO4 and FeSO4 @ 0.25 % plus Teepol
    @ 1ml per 5 lit of solution on various stages
    1. New flush 3. Flowering
    2. One month after first spray 4. Fruit set
    Intercropping: Legumes and short duration vegetable crops may be raised during pre-bearing stage.

    Aftercultivation: Pruning of past season’s terminal growth to a length of 10-15 cm is to be done during September-October and February – March to encourage more laterals. The erect growing branches are to be bent by tying on to pegs driven on the ground. Old unproductive but healthy
    trees may be either pollarded or cut the trunks at 75 cm from ground level or dehorned by cutting the secondary branches at a distance of 75 cm from their origin.

    Plant protection against Pests
    Tea mosquito bug: Spray endosulfan 35 EC at the rate of 2 ml/lit or fenthion 100 EC @ 1 ml/lt or malathion 50 EC at the rate of 1 ml/lit or monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 2ml/lit or neem oil 3 %.
    Spraying should be done in early mornings or late evenings, at least four times at 21 days interval during fruiting season.
    Aphids: Spray monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 1ml/lit or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/lit.
    Mealy bug: Triazophos @ 2ml/lit + neem oil 5 ml or phosalone 0.05% + neem oil 5 ml. Release of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri beetles (Coccinellid beetles) @ 10 beetles /tree.
    Fruit fly: Remove the fallen fruits and bury them deeply with lindane 1.3% dusted over them.
    Spray endosulfan 35 EC or malathion 50 EC @ 1 ml/lit four times at 15 days interval. Stir the soil around the tree during pest incidence and dust Lindane 1.3%. Use polythene bags fish meal trap with 5 gm of wet fish meal + 1 ml. dichlorvos in cotton. 50 traps are required/ha, fish meal +
    dichlorvos soaked cotton are to be renewed once in 20 and 7 days respectively.
    Safe waiting period: Monocrotophos 36 WSC-10 days and malathion 50 EC – 9 days.

    Protection against Diseases
    Red rust: Spray Copper oxy chloride 2.5 g /lit or Bordeaux mixture 0.5 % or Wettable sulphur 2 g per litre.

    Harvest: Layers come to bearing in 2 - 3 years.
    First crop : February – July.
    Second crop : September – January.

    Yield: 25 t/ha.