

  • Botanical Name of Mango
  • The botanical name of mango is Mangifera indica. It is a member of the Anacardiaceae family, which also includes cashews and pistachios.

    Mangoes are native to South Asia and have been cultivated in tropical regions around the world for thousands of years. They are a popular fruit due to their sweet taste and juicy flesh, and are often used in cooking and baking as well as eaten fresh.

    The name Mangifera indica comes from the Latin words "mangifera," meaning mango, and "indica," meaning Indian. This reflects the fact that mangoes are native to India and have been grown there for centuries.

    Mangoes are grown in many different countries around the world, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Brazil. Each country has its own unique varieties of mango, which can vary in size, shape, and color

    Scientific/Botanical Classification of Mango.

    The scientific classification of mango is as follows:

    Kingdom: Plantae (plants)

    Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)

    Class: Magnoliopsida (dicotyledons)

    Order: Sapindales

    Family: Anacardiaceae (cashew and pistachio family)

    Genus: Mangifera

    Species: Mangifera indica (mango)

    In this classification system, mangoes are classified as flowering plants in the dicotyledons class. They are part of the Sapindales order, which also includes other fruiting trees such as lychees and rambutans. Mangoes are further classified in the Anacardiaceae family, which includes other tropical fruit trees such as cashews and pistachios.

    The genus Mangifera contains about 35 species of trees, but the most well-known species is Mangifera indica, which is the scientific name for mango

    Botanical description of mango.

    Mangoes (Mangifera indica) are tropical fruit trees that are native to South Asia. They are part of the Anacardiaceae family, which also includes cashews and pistachios.

    Mango trees can grow to be quite large, reaching heights of up to 98 feet. They have a wide, spreading canopy and a crooked trunk. The leaves of a mango tree are long and lance-shaped, with a glossy, dark green color.

    The flowers of a mango tree are small and white, and they are arranged in large, dense clusters. The flowers are fragrant and have a sweet, fruity scent.

    The fruit of a mango tree is a drupe, which is a type of fruit that has a single seed surrounded by a fleshy outer layer. Mangoes can vary in size and shape, but they are typically oval or round and range in size from about 4 to 12 inches long. The skin of a mango can be green, yellow, or red, and the flesh is usually orange or yellow in color. Mangoes have a large, flat seed in the center of the fruit.

    Remember, mangoes are tropical fruit trees with large, spreading canopies and crooked trunks. They have long, lance-shaped leaves and small, white, fragrant flowers. The fruit of a mango tree is a drupe with a single seed surrounded by a fleshy outer layer, and it can vary in size and shape with a skin that is green, yellow, or red, and a flesh that is orange or yellow.
    It is the most economically important fruit crop in the Anacardiaceae (Cashew or poison ivy family
    The plant is a large fruit-tree, which can grow up to a height and crown width of about 100 ft, and trunk circumference of more than 12 ft.
    Mango trees make handsome landscape specimens and shade trees. They are erect and fast growing with sufficient heat, and the canopy can be broad and rounded, or more upright, with a relatively slender crown. 
    It has been cultivated in India for over 4000 years and is now found  in most tropical countries.
    The leaves are spirally arranged on branches, linear-oblong, lanceolate – elliptical, pointed at both ends, the leaf blades mostly about 2.5m long and 0.8m wide, sometimes much larger, reddish and thinly flaccid when first formed and release an aromatic odour when crushed. 
    The inflorescence occurs in panicles consisting of about 3000 tiny whitish-red or yellowish – green flowers. 
    The mango fruit is a well known large drupe, but shows a great variation in shape and size. It contains a thick yellow pulp, single seed and thick yellowish – red skin when ripe. 
    The seed of mango plant is solitary, ovoid or oblong, encased in a hard, compressed fibrous endocarp.

    Mango Species and their botanical names.

    Mangifera indica is the common Mango. The other edible Mangifera species generally produce less desirable fruit and are commonly referred to as wild mangos. Mangifera foetida, for example produces astringent fruits that can be pickled, but not eaten raw. The fruit from mango tree species is classified as drupe. 
    Below is a list of some popular mango species:
    Mangifera indica - common  
    Mangifera altissima - Pahutan mango
    Mangifera caesia - Malaysian  
    Mangifera casturi - Kalimantan
    Mangifera foetida - Horse mango
    Mangifera odorata - Kuweni  mango
    Mangifera persiciformis - Peach mango 
    Mangifera siamensis - Thai mango
    Mangifera sylvatica - Himalayan Mango

    Varieties of Mango.

    Mangoes belong to the species Mangifera indica, which is part of the Anacardiaceae family. Within this species, there are many different varieties of mangoes that have been cultivated over time.

    Some of the more well-known varieties of mango include:

    Alphonso: This is a type of mango that is native to India and is considered to be one of the best-tasting varieties. It has a thin skin and a soft, orange flesh that is sweet and fragrant.

    Kent: This is a mango variety that is native to Florida, United States. It has a deep orange flesh and a sweet, juicy flavor.

    Haden: This is another mango variety that is native to Florida. It has a yellow-orange flesh and a sweet, slightly tangy flavor.

    Tommy Atkins: This is a popular commercial variety of mango that is grown in many countries around the world. It has a reddish-yellow skin and a firm, orange flesh.

    There are many other varieties of mangoes, each with its own unique characteristics and flavors. Some mangoes are small and oval-shaped, while others are large and round. The skin of a mango can vary in color from green to yellow to red, and the flesh can be orange, yellow, or even green.

    Important uses of Mango.

    Mangoes are a popular and delicious fruit that are used in a variety of ways. Some of the most important uses of mango include:

    Eating fresh: Mangoes are often eaten fresh as a snack or dessert. They are juicy and sweet, and can be eaten on their own or added to fruit salads, smoothies, and other dishes.

    Cooking and baking: Mangoes can be used in a variety of cooking and baking applications. They can be used to make mango chutney, mango salsa, mango ice cream, mango pie, and many other dishes.

    Juice and preserves production: Mangoes can be used to make juice, jam, and other preserves products. Mango juice is a popular drink in many countries, and mango preserves products are widely available in supermarkets.

    Medicine: In some traditional medicine systems, mangoes are believed to have medicinal properties. They are sometimes used to treat digestive issues, skin conditions, and other health problems.

    Agricultural export: Mangoes are an important agricultural export for many countries, and they are shipped all over the world for sale.

    Animal feed: In some countries, mangoes that are not fit for human consumption are used as feed for livestock.

    Landscaping: Mango trees are often grown for their attractive appearance and used as ornamental plants in landscaping.

    Timber: In some cases, mango trees are harvested for their wood, which is strong and durable and can be used for a variety of purposes such as making furniture and construction materials.

    Carbon sequestration: Mango trees are able to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow, which makes them useful for carbon sequestration efforts.

    Cultural significance: In many parts of the world, mangoes hold cultural and religious significance and are associated with celebrations and special occasions.

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