The botanical name of Peas is Pisum sativum L.; it is a member of family Fabaceae
Varieties: Ooty 1, Bonneville, Arkel, Azad.
Soil: Well drained loamy soil with optimum pH range of 6-7.5. Thrives best in cool weather.
Withstands low temperature at the seedling stage.
Season and sowing: Sow the seeds from February - March and October - November in line.
Treat the seeds with Tricoderma 4 g/kg or Thiram or Captan at 2 g/kg of seed to avoid seed borne diseases. Treat the seeds with Rhizobium culture at the rate of 2 kg and apply 2 kg
Phosphobacteria as soil application just before sowing.
Preparation of field: Dig the land thoroughly to fine tilth.
Spacing: 45 x 10 cm.
Seed rate: 100 kg/ha.
Irrigation: Once in a week.
Application of fertilizers: Apply FYM at 20 t/ha and 60 kg N, 80 kg P and 70 kg K/ha as basal and 60 kg N/ha 30 days after sowing.
After cultivation: Weeding should be done 15 days after sowing. Subsequent weedings as and when necessary. Stake the plants.
Plant protection against Pests
Pod borer: Spray carbaryl 50 WP thrice at fortnightly intervals at the rate of 2 g/lit. Dust with carbaryl 10 D at the rate of 25 kg/ha or endosulfan 35 EC @ 2 ml/lit.
Aphids: Spray methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30 EC or monocrotophos 36 WSC or phosphamidon 40 SL @ 1 ml/lit of water.
Diseases and protection
Powdery mildew: Spray Wettable sulphur 2 g/lit or dust Sulphur at 25 kg/ha or Dinocap 1 ml/lit or Tridemorph 0.5 ml/lit, three rounds at 15 days interval.
Yield: 8 -12 t/ha in 80 - 110 days.