

  • Garlic planting procedures and production techniques
  • The botanical name of Garlic is Allium sativum L.; it belongs to the family Alliaceae

    Varieties: Local, Ooty 1, Farwi, Rajalle Gaddi and Singapore.

    Season: June-July; Oct-Nov.

    Soil and climate: Well drained, silt or clay loam soils are suitable. Require relatively cool weather.

    Seeds and sowing: The field is prepared to a fine tilth. Shallow furrows are formed at a spacing of 15 cm. The seed bulbs called as ‘cloves’ at a seed rate of 500-600 kg/ha are planted at a spacing of 10 cm.

    Basal: FYM 50 t/ha; 40 kg N, 75 kg P and 75 kg K/ha + Neem cake 1 t/ha + 50 kg of MgSO4/ha.
    Top dressing: 35 kg N/ha at 45 days after planting.
    Controlling rubberisation: Avoid excessive application of N to minimise rubberisation. N should not be applied in the form of Urea. Use Ammonium sulphate. Spray 1500 ppm of CCC or MH on 30th day of planting. Reduce the frequency of irrigation to minimise rubberisation. Apply 0.2 % Boron 0.1 % Sodium molybdate on 30th, 60th and 90th days after planting.
    Aftercultivation: 3-4 hand weeding and earthing up.

    Plant protection against Pests
    Thrips: Spray methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/litre or acephate 75 SP @ 1 g/lit or phosphomidan 85 EC 2 ml/litre.
    Focus the spray fluid in the leaf whorls.

    Plant protection against Diseases
    Bulb rot: Clove treatment with Carbendazim at 2 g/kg and spot drench with Carbendazim 1 g/lit of water.
    Leaf blight: Spray Carbendazim 500 g/ha.
    Nematode: Soaking seed cloves in water over night and followed by soaking in phosphomidan 40 SL at 2 ml/litre for 15 minutes.

    Yield: 6 – 8 t/ha.