The botanical name of Colocasia is Colocasia esculenta L. Scott; it belongs to the family Araceae
Varieties: Co 1, Panchamukhi and Satamukhi (Kovvur), Sree Pallavi, Sree Rashmi
Soil: It comes up well in loamy soils with a pH range of 5.5-7.0 and a combination of warm and moist climate. It can be grown up to 1500 m elevation.
Seed rate: 800 kg/ha.
Season and planting: June – July and February – March. Plant at a spacing of 45 cm in furrows.
Preparation of field: Plough the field to a fine tilth and form ridges and furrows at a spacing of 45 cm.
Irrigation: Once in a week.
Application of fertilizers: Apply 25 tonnes of FYM, 20 kg N, 30 kg P and 60 kg K/ha as basal and 20 kg N, 30 kg P and 60 kg K/ha 45 days after planting.
After cultivation: Weeding and earthing up should done 45 to 60 days after planting. Deep cultivation should be avoided. It requires profuse irrigation and shade.
Yield: 8 – 10 t/ha in 180 days.