

  • carrot planting procedures and production techniques
  • The botanical name of Carrot is Daucus carota L; it belongs to family  Umbelliferae

    Hills: Ooty-1, Early Nantes and New Korda
    Plains: India Gold, Pusa Kesar and Half Long Danvers.

    Soil: The Carrot is a cool season crop and when grown at 15°C to 20°C will develop a good colour. The carrot crop needs deep loose loamy soil. It requires a pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.0 for higher production.
    Hills: At elevation above 1500 metres, Carrot can be grown throughout the year under assured irrigation. At elevations between 1000 – 1500 metres. Carrot can be grown in July – February.
    Plains: August.

    Seed rate: 4 kg/ha.
    Mark the rows with a spacing of 25 – 30 cm apart. Sow the seeds mixed with sand (one part of seed with 4 parts of sand).
    Hills: 10 cm between plants.
    Plains: 5 cm between plants.

    Preparation of field
    Hills: Prepare the land to a fine tilth and form raised beds of one metre breadth and convenient length.
    Plains: Two ploughings are given and ridges and furrows are formed at 30 cm spacing.

    Irrigation: Once in five days.
    Application of fertilizers: 30 t FYM and 90:90:90 kg of NPK per ha as basal dose and 45:45:45kg NPK after 45 days. Apply 25 kg of ZnSO4/ha as basal.

    After cultivation: Spray Fluchloralin 1 lit a.i./ha immediately after sowing the seeds to control weeds or first weeding to be done on 15th day. Thinning and earthing up should be given on 30th day.

    Plant protection: Carrot is not much affected by pests.
    Nematode: Application of neem cake @ 1 ton/ha at planting to control root knot nematode, Meloidogyne spp.

    Leaf spot: Spray Mancozeb at 2 g/lit.

    Yield: 25 – 30 t/ha in 100 – 120 days.