

  • What are the economic importance of bryophytes?
  • GIVE THE ECOLOGICAL & ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF BRYOPHYTES such as mosses; liverworts and hornwort

    Below  are some of the economic importance of bryophytes:

    • mosses are often used for  soil conditioning; they increase aeration and water holding capacity of the soil.
    • some mosses such as Tillandsia usenoides are indicators of atmospheric pollution.
    • some bryophytes indicate copper in soil e.g Mielichhoferia elongata, M. Mielichhoferi and Scopelophilia.
    • They are used to prevent soil erosion e.g Barbula spp and Bryum spp.
    • Anthocerus can fix nitrogen and can enrich  soil nutrients.
    • Sphagnum  moss is used for the preparation of absorbent  bandages and they also have good  antibiotic properties.
    • Marchantia polymorpha is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
    • some species of Polytrichum have been used for the treatment  of kidney stones.
    • some mosses  like Leptodictium sp are used for Beautification of garden and  egg laying substrate in aquarium.
    • Polytrichum is used to treat fever by people of Canada, Vancouver islands and also chewed to speed up labour.
    • some species  such as Bryum and Polytrichum are consumed by vertebrates (birds) and  invertebrates (flies, moths)
    • nest of some birds like Turdus musicus (song thrush) is constructed primarily from moss.
    • plaited strands of Polytrichum spp are used to make rope.
    • They are used for decorative purpose in fish  tanks to provide oxygen and more natural appearance e.g vesicularia spp. 

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