

  • how do i make a man fall in love with me easily?
  • Help! what is the best way to make a man fall for me in a short time

    There is no sure way to make a guy fall in love with you.

    I am not a relationship expert but I do know that to make a man fall in love with you, you first have to know the type of person he is because what works on me may not work on you.

    Study him, know what makes him feel great and use it to gain his heart.

    Try not to show him that you are so much in love with him.

    Most person will take advantage of your extra love for them, you don’t want to have a one-sided love story where all the efforts to make it comes from.

    In as much as you are trying to make him love you, you should also live your own live and not throw your life in his Shadow.

    Funny but true; if you are dealing with an African guy, just improve your cooking skills and fill his stomach ones in a while.

    Yeah! Don’t do it often unless you want to pick up a career as his cook.

    When it comes to doing anything to please him, show him how glad you feel when doing it for him and at the same time, make it not to be frequent so that he understand your value in his life and work towards winning your heart too.

    I think with this tips of mine, I can pick up a career as a relationship expert, LOL!!! Just wait for some of this experts to give you better working tips because I just don’t know a thing about relationships.

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