

  • Afriadverts Review; Is Afriadverts Legit to make 5k per day?
  • Is Afriadverts a good ads network, are they paying, how much can I make with afriadverts and  can I see a payment proof?

    It could be a better ad network to make more than 5k per day; Making such an amount or more is what most of us desires (our primary aim for blogging) but this can happen only if they start holding on to their promises, those guys are something else.
    It’s all the same with Nigerian ad networks (great promises that can’t be delivered). I signed up with with them sometime ago. Their homepage then was like, you can register even without a website and share links on your social accounts, reversed was the case. Contacted them and the guy was like they disabled the feature due to misuse by publishers (LOL!)
    I decided to run their ads on one of my blogs only to see negative balance, Man! so my blog could not generate even five Naira from over 1k pageviews and the only clicks they managed to give me amounted to my balance reading minus (Haba! na Una the pay for my web hosting abi)
    afri adverts review


    It’s always better to try it out, you may be lucky to have a good time with them but  make sure your blog has a reasonable number of hits before doing so or else you may waste your precious blocks getting 20 Naira per month from this network and be feeling like they have something good to offer.
    1. •You will have to Visit the AfriAdverts network and Sign up as a publisher .
    2. • you should after then Click on the menu button and select sites
    3. • Add your site, and verify it using the meta tags given to you on the afriadverts site.
    4. • Navigate to your site (Blogger or WordPress) amd place the code right after the <head> tag
    5. • Come back to your AfriAdverts dashboard and click on verify
    6. • After verification, create ads unit, place on your site and make your cash.
    But hey buddy! Am still not a fan of those thieves till they prove us wrong by changing their current attitude

    AfriAdverts Payment

    How Afriadverts pay bloggers

    According to the information on their blog, Afriaverts use a highly advanced optimization algorithm that is based on ad focused on providing website owners and webmasters with the highest prices in the industry for their ad inventory. In a nutshell, irrespective of the payment model used by our advertisers (CPM, CPA or CPC), your ad inventory units will always generate the greatest revenue possible.
    As a publisher, you will receive 70% of all your earning on all ads displayed on your website or mobile app as soon you have reached the set payment threshold.
    their current revenue model is CPC, (CPA and CPM- models are yet to be activated!)
    Let’s start by understanding the different payment models used for adverts. they provide advertisers with a number of different payment model for their ads, although not fully activated, these include:
    CPC (Cost per click) – Is a pricing model where the advertiser pays for each click their advert receives. The advertiser sets the maximum bid they are willing to pay per click, each time an ad is clicked they are charged. For example, if they have set their CPC to N30, they will be charged N30 each time someone clicks their advert on your website.
    CPM (Cost per thousand impressions, “mile”) – Is a common pricing model used by advertisers. An advertiser pays a fixed amount per every 1000 impressions served of their ad. An impression is anytime the ad is viewed.
    CPA (Cost per action) – Works on the principle of what the advertiser is willing to pay per action. An action can be anything from a download, sale, impression, click, call or contact request. For example, if an advertiser wishes to pay N20 each time someone buys something via their advert, the cost per action is N20.

    AfriAdverts Rules for Publishers

    The AfriAdverts publishers policies complies for both publishers that are websites owners and Non-website owners(Affiliate Marketers). All publishers are required to adhere to the following policies, so kindly read them properly. If you do not comply with these policies, they reserve the right to stop showing adverts on your site and/or to deactivate your AfriAdverts publishers account at any time. If your account is deactivated, you can no longer participate in the AfriAdverts program.
    Keep in mind that deactivation of publishers account is final. There are no apology emails.
    Also, be at alert as they may change our policies at any moment, so you should always check here often for updates and corrections. In accordance with their online Terms of Use, it’s your responsibility to keep up to date with, and adhere to, the policies posted here.
    Invalid clicks and impressions
    Under no circumstance should an AfriAdverts publishers click their own ads or links and/or use any measure to increase impressions and/or clicks in any way.
    Only users that are interested on AfriAdverts ads must click it. Any method that would generate clicks or impressions on your AfriAdverts ads is strictly forbidden. These forbidden methods include, but are not limited to, repeatedly manual clicks or impressions, using tools that promote automated click and impression and the use of robots or deceptive software. Do not click your ads.
    These invalid clicks and impressions accrue to Negative earnings which are deducted from your current earnings and returned back to advertisers at the end of every month. 

    Persuasive clicks

    AfriAdverts publishers would not ask others to click their ads or use persuasive implementation methods to obtain clicks. Non-Website Publishers would not in any way tamper with the Text Ads assigned to them. This can be done by offering compensation to users for clicking ads, promising to raise money for third parties for such behavior, changing the advert write-up to something inappropriate or placing misleading images next to individual ads.

    In order to ensure a good experience for AfriAdverts publishers and advertisers, publishers participating in the AfriAdverts Publishers program may not:
    • Compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise compensation to a third party for such behavior.
    • Place misleading images alongside individual ads.

    Content guidelines

    Publishers may not place AfriAdverts code or ads on pages with content that violates any of our content guidelines. Some examples include content that is adult, violent or advocating racial intolerance. Please see our prohibited content kinds for more information;
    Pages with AfriAdverts ads may not include or link to:
    • Pornography, adult or mature content
    • Violent content
    • Content that threatens or advocates for harm on oneself or others
    • Content that harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or group of individuals
    • Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization
    • Excessive profanity
    • Malware or adware
    • Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia content
    • Content that promotes, sells, or advertises products obtained from endangered or threatened species.
    • Online sale of alcoholic beverages
    • Sales of tobacco or tobacco-related products
    • Sales of prescription drugs
    • Sales of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns)
    • Sales or distribution of coursework or student essays
    • Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites or reading emails
    • Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others

    Copyrighted material

    AfriAdverts publishers may not display AfriAdverts ads on pages with content protected by copyright law unless they have the necessary legal rights to display that content. This includes pages that display copyrighted material, pages hosting copyrighted files, or pages that provide links driving traffic to pages that contain copyrighted material.
    It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). For AfriAderts publishers, if we receive a notice or otherwise have reason to believe that your page is infringing, we may terminate your participation in the program.
    If you believe that a page which is participating in the Afriadverts program is displaying your copyrighted material without the rights to do so, please report it by contacting us on Copyright@afriadverts.com

    Traffic sources

    AfriAdverts ads may not be placed on pages receiving traffic from certain sources. For example, publishers may not participate in paid-to-click programs, send unwanted emails or display ads as the result of the action of any software application.
    To ensure a positive experience for Internet users and AfriAdverts advertisers, sites displaying AfriAdverts ads may not:
    • Use third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf and click-exchange programs.
    • Be promoted through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted advertisements on third-party websites.
    • Display AfriAdverts ads, search boxes or search results as a result of the actions of software applications such as toolbars.
    • Be loaded by any software that can trigger pop-ups, redirect users to unwanted websites, modify browser settings or otherwise interfere with site navigation. It is your responsibility to ensure that no ad network or affiliate uses such methods to direct traffic to pages that contain your AfriAdverts code.

    Ad behavior

    Publishers are not permitted to make modifications to the AfriAdverts ad code or write ups.

    Account Unblocking

    In some rare cases, after a manual and thorough check has been carried out on a publishers’ blocked account, we reserve the right to unblock this account and also deduct the equivalent of accrued invalid earnings such publisher has earned overtime.
    Keeping in mind that a second block will be a permanent one for such a person.

    Afriadverts Payment terms

    As a publisher, you will receive 70% of all your earning on all ads displayed on your website or mobile app as soon you have reached our payment threshold. Afriadverts Publishers would be granted payment on the 25th of every month as they reach the minimum payment limit of $50(Us Dollars) on their finalized balance. This payment would be forwarded to their bank accounts or any preferable payment method chosen by them on their account information page. Payments would be received within 1-7 Business days.
    Kindly note that Your Publishers earnings may include deductions for various reasons. AfriAdverts may adjust your earnings if it detects invalid click activity in your account or ad implementations that are not in compliance with Publishers policy.

    Site behavior

    Sites showing AfriAdverts ads should be easy for users to navigate. Sites may not change user preferences, redirect users to unwanted websites, initiate downloads, include malware that interfere with site navigation


    You must disclose clearly any data collection, sharing and usage that takes place on any site, app or other property as a consequence of your use of any AfriAdverts advertising service.

    Afriadverts reserves the right to discontinue Service, withhold payment at any time and terminate present Agreement without liability to publisher in case of material breach of this Agreement by the publisher or its associates. Parties hereby agree that any form of fraudulent or illegal activity, or any violation of the applicable laws and regulations, or any activity specified in this Agreement shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.

    This afriadvert agreement was last updated in 2019, you can always check back to see if there’s any change.
    We've done justice with Afriadverts review as requested. 

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